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Email Feed Search

Searching your Email Feed

By clicking on "Search" or "Search & Options" at the top of your Email Feed page, and entering search terms into the Search input, you can filter emails listed in the Email Feed. Each email's Subject, From address, and content is searched based on your specified terms and matching results are listed in order of best matches.

If you enter more than one word, only emails that include both words will be listed. For instance, if you enter oil industry only emails that have both the words "oil" and "industry" will be listed.

For more complex searches, the special terms AND, OR, and NOT can be used and combined, along with parentheses. For example: (oil industry) AND (wind OR solar) will list any emails that contain the words "oil" and "industry", and also contains at least one of the words "wind" or "solar".

Up to 25 email matches will be listed. Common words such as the, but, by, very, because, this, that, etc., will be ignored.